Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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eight, eighty (shmownah; eight, the idea of plumpness, /
surplus above perfect seven) /
5:4 Seth was e' hundred years: 5:25 an hundred e' and seven years /
5:7 e' hundred and seven years 5:26 seven hundred e' and two years /
5:10 e' hundred and fifteen years 5:28 an hundred e' and two years /
5:13 e' hundred and forty years 17:12 e' days old shall be circumc- /
5:16 Jared eight hundred and thirty 21:4 son Isaac being e' days old /
5:17 e' hundred ninety and five 22:23 these e' Milcah did bear to /
5:19 begat Enoch eight hundred /
Elam (eylam or owlam; hidden, distant) /
10:22 children of Shem, E', and 14:9 Chedorlaomer the king of E' /
14:1 Chedorlaomer king of E', /
end, ended (qets, qetseh; extremity, border, end) /
(kalah; to cease, to finish, to destroy, to end) /
2:2 on the seventh day God e' 41:1 came to pass at the e' of the /
6:13 the e' of all flesh is come 41:53 in the land of Egypt, were e' /
8:3 after the e' of the hundred 47:18 When that year was e' /
8:6 to pass at the e' of the forty 47:21 from one e' of the borders /
23:9 which is the e' of the field 47:21 even to the other e' there of /
27:30 as Isaac had made an e' of 49:33 when jacob had made an e' /
enlarge (pathah; to open, to flatter, to enlarge) /
9:27 God shall e' Japheth, and he /
enter, entered (bow; to go, to come, to abide, to enter) /
7:13 In the selfsame day Noah e' 19:23 earth when Lot e' into Zoar /
12:11 was come near to e' into Egypt 31:33 Leah's tent, and e' into /
19:3 unto him, and e' into his 43:30 and he e' into his chamber /
Erech (erek; length) /
10:10 Babel, and E', and Accad, and /
establish, established (quwm; to rise, accomplish, confirm, establish) /
6:18 thee will I e' my covenant 17:7 I will e' my covenant between /
9:9 behold, I e' my covenant 17:19 and I will e' my covenant /
9:11 And I will e' my covenant 17:21 covenant will I e' with Isaac /
9:17 the covenant which I have e' 41:32 the thing is e' by God /
Ethiopia (kuwsh; Cush, Ethiopia) /
2:13 compasseth the whole land of E' /
evening (ereb; dusk, night, evening) /
1:5, 1:8, 1:13, 1:19, 1:23, 1:31 e' and the morning was the ---- day /
8:11 dove came in to him in the e' 29:23 it came to pass in the e' /
24:11 at the time of the e', even 30:16 out of the field in the e' /
ever, everlasting (olam; conclealed, vanishing point, out of mind, eternal) /
8:22 and eat, and live for e' 13:15 and to thy seed for e' /
9:16 I may remember the e' covenant /
every (kowl; whole, all, every) /
82 times in Genesis /
11 times in chapter 1 /
7 times in chapter 2 /
3 times in chapter 3 /
2 times in chapter 4 /
6 times in chapter 6 /
10 times in chapter 7 /
7 times in chapter 8 /
8 times in chapter 9 /
1 time in chapter 10 /
evil (ra; bad, displeasure, grief, sorrow, hurt, evil) /
2:9 of knowledge of good and e' 37:33 an e' beast hath devoured him /
2:17 the knowledge of good and e' 44:4 have ye rewarded e' for good? /
3:5 as gods, knowing good and e' 44:5 ye have done e' in so doing /
3:22 one of us, to know good and e' 44:34 I see the e' that shall come /
6:5 heart was only e' continually 47:9 few and e' have the days of /
8:21 imagination of man's heart is e'48:16 which redeemed me from all e' /
19:19 lest some e' take me, and I 50:15 the e' which we did unto him /
37:2 unto his father this e' report 50:17 sin; for they did unto thee e' /
37:20 Some e' beast hath devoured 50:20 ye thought e' against me: /
eyes (ayin; eye) /
3:5 then your e' shall be opened 3:7 e' of them both were opened /
3:6 that it was pleasant to the e' 6:8 grace in the e' of the Lord /
face, faces (paneh; fore part, front surface, the face) /
1:2 darkness was upon the f' of 7:18 went upon the f' of the waters /
1:2 of God moved upon the f' of 7:23 was upon the f' of the ground /
1:29 upon the f' of all the earth 8:8 abated from off the f' of the /
2:6 watered the whole f' of the 8:9 on the f' of the whole earth /
3:19 In the sweat of thy f' thou 8:13 the f' of the ground was dry /
4:14 me out this day from the f' 8:9 on the f' of the whole earth /
4:14 and from thy f' shall I 8:13 the f' of the ground was dry /
6:1 multiply on the f'of the earth 9:23 and their f' were backward /
6:7 from the f' of the earth: 11:4 upon the f' of the whole earth /
7:3 alive upon the f' of all the 11:8 upon the f' of all the earth /
7:4 alive upon the f' of the earth 11:9 upon the f' of all the earth /
fair (towb, yapheh; good, beautiful, fair) /
6:2 of men that they were f' 24:16 was very f' to look upon /
12:11 that thou art a f' woman 26:7 she was f' to look upon /
12:14 the woman that she was very f' /
fall, fallen, fell (naphal; to fail, to cast down, to fall) /
2:21 a deep sleep to f' upon Adam 43:18 against us, and f' upon us /
4:5 wroth, and his countenance f' 45:24 See that ye f' not out by /
4:6 why is thy countenance f' 49:17 his rider shall f' backward /
families (mishpachch; relatives, kind, family /
10:5 their f', in their nations 12:3 all f' of the earth be blessed /
10:18 were the f' of the Canaanites 28:14 all f' of the earth be blessed /
10:20 the sons of Ham, after their f' 36:40 of Esau according to their f' /
10:31 sons of Shem, after their f' 47:12 bread, according to their f' /
10:32 are the f' of the sons of Noah /
fat (cheleb; richest and choicest part, finest, fat) /
4:4 his flock and of the f' thereof /
father, father's (ab; chief, principal, father) /
2:24 a man leave his f' and his 9:23 the nakedness of their f' /
4:20 was the f' of such as dwell 9:23 saw not their f' nakedness /
4:21 the f' of all such as handle 10:21 Shem also, the f' of all the /
9:18 and Ham is the f' of Canaan. 11:28 Haran died before his f' Terah /
9:22 And Ham, the f' of Canaan, 11:29 the f' of Milcah, and the f' /
9:22 saw the nakedness of his f' /
fear (morah; dread, terribleness, terror, fear) /
9:2 the f' of you and the dread of /
female (nqebah, ishshah; woman, female) /
1:27 male and f' created he them 7:2 by two, the male and his f' /
5:2 Male and f' created he them 7:3 by sevens, the male and the f' /
6:19 they shall be male and f' 7:9 the ark, the male and the f' /
7:2 by sevens, the male and his f' 7:16 went in male and f' of all /
field (saday; to spread out, land, soil, ground, field) /
2:5 every plant of the f' before 3:1 any beast of the f' which is /
2:5 every herb of the f' before 3:14 above every beast of the f' /
2:19 formed every beast of the f' 3:18 shalt eat the herb of the f' /
2:20 and to every beast of the f' 4:8 when they were in the f' /
fifteen (chamishshah asar; five ten, fifteen) /
5:10 eight hundred and f' years 7:20 F' cubits upward did the /
fifth (chamishshiy; fifth) /
1:23 and the morning were the f' day /
fifty (chamishshiym; fifty) /
6:15 the breadth of it f' cubits 9:28 flood three hundred and f' /
7:24 earth an hundred and f' days 9:29 Noah were nine hundred and f' /
8:3 end of the hundred and f' days /
fig (tenah; fig) /
3:7 they sewed f' leaves together /
fill, filled (mala; to fill, to accomplish, fulfill) /
1:22 and f' the waterds of the sea 21:19 went, and f' the bottle with /
6:11 the earth was f' with violence 24:16 and f' her pitcher, and came /
6:13 the earth is f' with violence 26:15 them, and f' them with earth /
findeth, finding (matsa; to come forth, to appear, to find) /
4:14 every one that f' me shall 4:15 lest any f' him should kill /
finish, finished (kalah; to cease, to finish, to end) /
2:1 heavens and the earth were f' 6:16 in a cubit shall thou f' it /
firmament (raqiya; expanse, visible arch of the sky, firmament) /
1:6 Let there be a f' in the midst 1:14 Let there be lights in the f' /
1:7 God made the f', and divided 1:15 lights in the f' of heaven /
1:7 which were under the f' from 1:17 God set them in the f' of /
1:7 waters which were above the f' 1:20 earth in the open f' of heaven /
1:8 And God called the f' heaven /
first (echad; one, first) /
1:5 the morning were the f' day 8:13 the six hundredth and f' year /
2:11 The name of the f' is Pison 8:13 the f' month and the f' day /
8:5 on the f' day of the month /
firstborn (bkowr, bkorah; eldest, firstborn, firstling) /
4:4 also brought of the f' of his 10:15 Canaan begat Sidon his f' /
fish, fishes (dagah; fish) /
1:26, 1:28 dominion over the f' 9:2 be upon all the f' of the sea /
five (chamishah; five) /
5:6 lived an hundred and f' years 5:30 f' hundred ninety and f' years /
5:11 nine hundred and f' years 5:32 Noah was f' hundred years old /
5:15 Mahalaleel lived sixty and f' 11:11 f' hundred years, and begat /
5:17 eight ninety and f' years 11:12 Arphaxad lived f' and thirty /
5:21 Enoch lived sixty and f' years 11:32 were two hundred and f' years /
5:23 three hundred sixty and f' years /
flaming (lahat; a blaze, flaming) /
3:24 f' sword which turned every /
flesh (basar; body, skin, flesh) /
2:21 closed the f' instead thereof 9:15 every living creature of all f' /
2:23 of my bones, and f' of my f' 9:15 a flood to destroy all f' /
2:24 and they shall be of one f' 9:16 every living creature of all f' /
6:3 man, for that he also is of f' 9:17 between me and all f' /
6:17 destroy all f', wherein is the 17:11 circumcise the f' of your /
6:19 of every living thing of all f' 17:13 covenant shall be in your f' /
7:15 two of all f', wherein is the 17:14 whose f' of his foreskin is /
7:16 in male and female of all f' 17:23 circumcised the f' of their /
7:21 all f' died that moved upon the 17:24,25 circumcised in the f' of /
8:17 of all f', both of fowl, 29:14 thou art my bone and my f' /
9:4 But f' with the life thereof, 37:27 he is our brother and our f' /
9:11 neither shall all f' be cut 40:19 the birds ahll eat thy f' from /
flock (tsown; to migrate, to collect, a flock) /
4:4 the firstlings of his f' and /
flood (mabbuwl; flowing, a diluge, a flood) /
6:17 I do bring a f' of waters upon 9:11 shall there any more be a f' /
7:6 the f' of waters was upon the 9:15 waters shall no more be a f' /
7:7 because the waters of the f' 9:28 And Noah lived after the f' /
7:10 of the f' were upon the earth 10:1 were sons born after the f' /
7:17 f' was forty days upon the 10:32 in the earth after the f' /
9:11 any more by the waters of a f' 11:10 Arphaxad two years after the f' /
food (maakal; eatable, victual, meat, food) /
2:9 to the sight, and good for f' 6:21 thee of all f' that is eaten /
3:6 that the tree was good for f' 6:21 and it shall be for f' for thee /
foot (regel; a step, a foot) /
8:9 no rest for the sole of her f' 41:44 no man lift up his hand or f' /
form (tohuw; to lie waste, a desolation, worthless thing, confusion, /
without form) /
1:2 And the earth was without f' /
formed (yatsar; to squeeze into shape, to mold into form) /
2:7 And the Lord God f' man of the 2:19 the ground the Lord f' every /
2:8 he put the man who he had f' /
forty (araiym; forty) /
5:13 Mahalaleel eight hundred and f' 25:20 Isaac was f' years old when /
7:4 the earth f' days and f' nights 26:34 Esau was f' years old when he /
7:17 flood was f' days upon the 32:15 f' kine, and ten bulls, and /
8:6 pass at the end of the f' days 47:28 Jacob was an hundred f' and /
18:28 If I find there f' and five 50:3 And f' days were fulfilled /
18:29 there shall be f' found there /
found (matsa; to come forth, to appear, to acquire, find) /
2:20 there was not f' an help meet 8:9 f' no rest for the sole of /
6:8 Noah f' grace in the eyes of 11:2 that they f' a plain in the /
fountains (maynanah; spring, well, fountain) /
7:11 all the f' of the great deep 8:2 f' also of the deep and the /
four (arba; four) /
2:10 and became into f' heads. 15:13 afflict them f' hundred years /
11:13 he begat Salah f' hundred and 23:15 worth f' hundred shekels of /
11:15 after he begat Eber f' hundred 23:16 Heth, f' hundred shekels of /
11:16 And Eber lived f' hundred and 32:6 and f' hundred men with him /
11:17 after he begat Peleg f' hundred 33:1 and with him f' hundred men /
14:9 king of Ellasar; f' kings with 47:24 and f' parts will be your own /
fourth (rbiiy; foursquare, fourth) /
1:19 the morning were the f' day 15:16 the f' generation they shall /
2:14 And the f' river is Euphrates /
fowl, fowls (owph; as covered with feathers, bird, fowl) /
1:20 and f' that may fly above the 7:8 f', and of every thing that /
1:21 and every winged f' after his 7:14 every f' after his kind, every /
1:22 and let f' multiply in the 7:21 both of f', and of cattle, /
1:26 and over the f' of the air 7:23 the f' of the heavens; and /
1:30 and to every f' of the air 8:17 both of f', and of cattle /
2:19 and every f' of the air 8:19 creeping thing, and every f' /
2:20 and to the f' of the air 9:2 and upon every f' of the air /
6:7 thing, and the f' of the air 9:10 that is with you, of the f' /
6:20 f' after their kind, and of 15:11 f' came down upon the carcases /
fro (shuwb; to turn back, to return to starting point, back and forth, fro) /
8:7 which went forth, to and f' /
fruit (priy; bough, reward, fruit) /
1:11 f' tree yielding f' after his 3:3 f' of the tree which is in the /
1:12 yielding f', whose seed was 3:6 took the f' thereof, and did /
1:29 is the f' of a tree yielding 4:3 Cain brought of the f' of the /
3:2 f' of the trees of the garden 30:2 from thee the f' of the womb? /
fruitful (parah; to bear fruit, to grow, increase, be fruitful) /
1:22 Be f' and multiply, and fill 26:22 we shall be f' in the land /
1:28 Be f', and multiply, and 28:3 bless thee, and make thee f' /
8:17 be f', and multiply upon the 35:11 be f' and multiply; a nation /
9:1 Be f', and multiply, and 41:52 God hath caused me to be f' /
9:7 be ye f', and multiply; bring 48:4 Behold, I will make thee f' /
17:6 will make thee exceeding f' 49:22 Joseph is a f' bough, even a f' /
garden (gan; as a fenced place, a garden) /
2:8 And the Lord God planted a g' 3:3 which is in the midst of the g' /
2:9 also in the midst of the g' 3:8 the Lord God walking in the g' /
2:10 out of Eden to water the g' 3:8 amongst the trees of the g' /
2:15 put him into the g' of Eden 3:10 I heard thy voice in the g' /
2:16 the g' thou mayest freely eat 3:23 him forth from the g' of Eden /
3:1 eat of every tree of the g' 3:24 at the east of the g' of Eden /
3:2 fruit of the trees of the g' 13:10 even as the g' of the Lord /
garment (simlah; a mantle, raiment, cloth, apparel, garment) /
9:23 And Shem and Japheth took a g' /
gave, gavest, give, given (nathan; to put, make, give) /
1:15, 1:17 heaven to g' light upon 3:6 and g' also unto her husband /
1:29 g' you every herb bearing seed 3:12 with me, she g' me of the tree /
1:30 I have g' every green herb for 9:3 the green herb have I g' you /
2:20 Adam g' names to all cattle /
generation, generations (dor; an age, a generation toldah; descent family) /
2:4 are the g' of the heavens 9:12 is with you, for perpetual g' /
5:1 the book of the g' of Adam 10:1 These are the g' of the sons /
6:9 These are the g' of Noah 10:32 their g', in their nations /
6:9 just man and perfect in his g' 11:10 These are the g' of Shem /
11:27 Now these are the g' of Terah /
Gentiles (goy; a foreign nation, gentile) /
10:5 these were the isles of the G' /
giants (nphil; bully, tyrant, giant) /
6:4 were g' in the earth in those days /
Gihon (gichown; to gush forth) /
2:13 name of the second river is G' /
Girgashite (girgashiy; ??? ) /
10:16 and the Amorite, and the G' /
God, Gods (elohiym; the Almighty Diety, the all powerful One, God) /
225 times in Genesis /
31 times in chapter 1 /
14 times in chapter 2 /
12 times in chapter 3 /
1 time in chapter 4 /
5 times in chapter 5 /
8 times in chapter 6 /
2 times in chapter 7 /
3 times in chapter 8 /
8 times in chapter 9 /
gold (zahab; to shimmer, golden) /
2:11 of Havilah, where there is g' 2:12 the g' of that land is good /
Gomer (gomer; completion) /
10:2 sons of Japheth; G', and Magog 10:3 And the sons of G'; Askenaz /
Gomorrah (amorah; a ruined heap) /
10:19 thou goest, unto Sodom, and G' /
good (towb; to be well, better, bountiful, beautiful, good) /
1:4 saw the light, that it was g' 2:17 the knowledge of g' and evil /
1:10, 1:12, 1:18, 1:21, 1:25, God saw that it was g' /
1:31 and, behold, it was very g' 2:18 not g' that man should be /
2:9 to the sight and g' for food 3:5 as gods, knowing g' and evil /
2:9 of knowledge of g' and evil 3:6 the tree was g' for food /
2:12 the gold of that land is g' 3:22 to know g' and evil: and now /
gopher (gopher; cypress wood) /
6:14 Make thee an ark of g' wood /
grace (chen; favor, kindness, grace) /
6:8 Noah found g' in the eyes of /
grass (deshe; green, herb, grass) /
1:11 let the earth bring forth g' 1:12 earth brought forth g', and /
great, greater (gadol; more, noble, older, large, mighty, great) /
1:16 God made two g' lights; 6:5 the wickedness of man was g' /
1:21 God created g' whales, and 7:11 fountains of the g' deep /
3:16 I will g' multiply thy sorrow 7:18 increased g' upon the earth /
10:12 and Calah: the same is a g' /
green (yereq; grass, vegetation, green) /
1:30 have given every g' herb for 9:3 even as the g' herb have I /
grieved (atsab; to carve, worry, sorrow, grieve) /
6:6 and it g' him in his heart /
grievous (kabed; heavy, sore, grevious /
12:10 the famine was g' in the land /
ground (adamah; soil from its redness, land, earth, country, ground) /
2:5 was not a man to till the g' 5:29 the g' which the Lord hath /
2:6 the whole face of the g' 7:23 was upon the face of the g' /
2:7 man of the dust of the g' 8:8 from off the face of the g' /
2:9 out of the g' made the Lord 8:13 the face of the g' was dry /
2:19 out of the g' the Lord God 8:21 will not again curse the g' /
3:17 cursed is the g' for thy sake 18:2 bowed himself toward the g' /
3:19 till thou return unto the g' 19:1 with his face toward the g' /
3:23 to till the g' from whence 19:25 that which grew upon the g' /
4:2 Cain was a tiller of the g' 33:3 himself to the g' seven times /
4:3 brought of the fruit of the g' 38:9 he spilled it on the g' /
4:10 crieth unto me from the g' 44:11 every man his sack to the g' /
4:12 When thou tillest the g' 44:14 they fell before him on the g' /
Ham (cham; warm, hot, from the tropical habitat) /
5:32 Noah begat Shem, H', and 9:22 And H', the father of Caanan, /
6:10 Noah begat three sons, Shem, H' 10:1 Shem, H', and Japheth: and /
7:13 Noah, and Shem, and H', and 10:6 the sons of H'; Cush, and /
9:18 were Shem, and H', and 10:20 These are the sons of H' /
9:18 and H' is the father of Caanan, 14:5 and the Zuzims in H', and the /
Hamathite (chamathiy; from a walled place) /
10:18 the Zemarite, and the H' /
hand, hands (yad; a open hand) /
3:22 lest he put forth his h', and 9:2 of the sea; into your h' /
4:11 brother's blood from thy h' 9:5 at the h' of every beast will /
5:29 our work and toil of our h' 9:5 require it, at the h' of man /
8:9 then he put forth his h' 9:5 at the h' of every man's /
harvest (qatsiyr; reap, harvest) /
8:22 seedtime and h', and cold and /
Hazar-maveth (chatsarmavrth; village of death) /
10:26 Sheleph, and H', and Jerah /
head, heads (rosh; to shake, top, chief, head) /
2:10 parted, and became into four h' 3:15 it shall bruise thy h", and /
hear, heard (shama; to give ear, to discern, to hear) /
3:8 they h' the voice of the Lord 4:23 H' my voice; ye wives of Lamech /
3:10 I h' thy voice in the garden /
harken, hearkened (azan, shama; to listen, to percieve, to hear) /
3:17 hast h' unto the voice of thy 4:23 wives of Lamech, h' unto /
heart (leb; the heart, the center of feelings and intellect) /
6:5 of his h' was only evil 8:21 Lord said in his h', I will not /
6:6 and it grieved him at his h' 8:21 imagination of man's h' is evil /
heat (chom; to be hot, heat) /
8:22 and cold and h', and summer /
heaven, heavens (shameh; the lofty, air, heaven) /
1:1 beginning God created the h' 14:19 God, possessor of h' and earth /
1:8 God called the firmament H' 14:22 God, the possessor of h', and /
1:9 waters under the h' be gathered 15:5 Look now toward h', and tell /
1:14,15 in the firmament of the h' 19:24 fire from the Lord out of h' /
1:17 them in the firmament of the h' 21:17 God called to Hagar out of h' /
1:20 in the open firmament of h' 22:11 Lord called unto him out of h' /
2:1 the h' and the earth were 22:15 called unto Abraham out of h' /
2:4 the generations of the h' and 22:17 thy seed as the stars of h' /
2:4 made the earth and the h' 24:3 the Lord, the God of h', and /
6:17 breath of life, from under h' 24:7 The Lord God of h', which took /
7:11 the windows of h' were opened 26:4 to multiply as the stars of h' /
7:19 that were under the whole h' 27:28 God give thee of the dew of h' /
7:23 things, and the fowl of the h' 27:39 of the dew of h' from above /
8:2 the windows of h' were stopped 28:12 the top of it reached to h' /
8:2 rain from h' was restrained 28:17 and this is the gate of h' /
11:4 whose top may reach unto h' 49:25 bless thee with blessings of h' /
heel (iqqbah; hoof, step, heel) /
3:15 head and thou shalt bruise his h' /
height (qowmah; stature, tall, height) /
6:15 and the h' of it thirty cubits /
help (ezer; aid, help) /
2:18 make him a h' meet for him 49:25 thy father, who shall h' thee /
2:20 not found a h' meet for him /
henceforth (yacaph; to add, to augment, to continue, again, anymore, hence) /
4:12 shall not h' yield unto thee her /
herb (eseb; to glisten, to be green, grass, tender shoot, herb) /
1:11 the h' yielding seed, and the 2:5 every h' of the field before /
1:12 h' yielding seed after his kind 3:18 shalt eat the h' of the field /
1:29 have given you every h' bearing 9:3 even as the green h' have I /
1:30 given every green h' for meat /
Heth (cheth; terror) /
10:5 begat Sidon his firstborn, and H' /
hid (chaba, taman, cathar; to secrete, conceal, hide) /
3:8 Adam and his wife h' themselves 4:14 from thy face shall I be h' /
3:10 I was naked; and I h' myself 35:4 and Jacob h' them under the /
high (gabowahh; elevated, high) /
7:19 all the h' hills, that were /
hills (har; mountain, hills) /
7:19 all the high h', that were /
host (tsbaah; amass of people, company, host) /
2:1 finished, and all the h' of them /
house (bayith; family, court, house) /
7:1 thou and all thy h' into the ark /
hundred, hundredth (meyah; a hundred, hundredth) /
63 times in Genesis /
24 times in chapter 5 /
2 times in chapter 6 /
3 times in chapter 7 /
2 time in chapter 8 /
2 times in chapter 9 /
10 times in chapter 11 /
hunter (tsayid; the chase, hunt, hunting, hunter) /
10:9 was a mighty h', before the 10:9 Even as Nimrod the mighty h' /
hurt (chaburah; bruise, wound, stripe, hurt) /
4:23 and a young man to my h' /
husband (iysh; a man, male, husband) /
3:6 gave also unto her h' with her 29:34 time will my h' be joined /
3:16 thy desire shall be to thy h' 30:15 that thou hast taken my h' /
16:3 gave her to her h' Abram to be 30:18 have given my maiden to my h' /
29:32 therefore my h' will love me 30:20 now will my h' dwell with me /
image (tselem; shade, phantom, illusion, resemblance, image) /
1:26 said, Let us make man in our i' 5:3 his own likeness, after his i' /
1:27 God created man in his own i' 9:6 in the i' of God made he man /
1:27 in the i' of God created he him /
imagination (yetser; a form, conception, mind, imagination) /
6:5 every i' of the thoughts of his 8:21 the i' of man's heart is evil /
imaginationed (zamam; to plan, plot, devise, purpose, think, imagine) /
11:6 them, which they have i' to do /
increased (rabah; to increase, to heap up, to enlarge) /
7:17 and the waters i', and bare up 7:18 were i' greatly upon the earth /
instead (tachath; the bottom, below, in lieu of , instead of) /
2:21 closed up the flesh i' thereof 44:33 let thy servant abide i' of the /
4:25 me another seed i' of Abel /
iron (barzel; iron as cutting) /
4:22 every artificer in brass and i' /
Iscah (yickah; watcher, observer) /
11:29 of Milcah, and the father of I' /
isles (iy; a habitable spot, dry land, coast, country, island) /
10:5 the i' of the Gentiles divided /
Japheth (yepheth; expansion) /
5:32 Noah begat Shem, Ham, and J' 9:27 shall enlarge J', and he shall /
6:10 three sons, Shem, Ham, and J' 10:1 of Noah, Shem, Ham, and J' /
7:13 Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and J' 10:2 The sons of J'; Gomer, and /
9:18 ark, were Shem, and Ham, and J' 10:21 of Eber, brother of J' the /
9:23 And Shem and J' took a garment /
Jared (yered; a descent) /
5:15 and five years, and begat J' 5:19 And J' lived after he begat /
5:16 lived after he begat J' 5:20 days of J' were nine hundred /
5:18 J' lived an hundred sixty and /
Jebusite, Jebusites (yebuwciy; trodden) /
10:16 the J', and the Amorite, and 15:21 the Girgashites, and the J' /
Jobab (yowbab; howler) /
10:29 And Ophir, and Havilah, and J' /
Joktan (yoqtan; he will be made little) /
10:25 and his brother's name was J' 10:29 all these were the sons of J' /
10:26 J' begat Almodad, and Seleph /
just (tsaddiyq; lawful, righteous, just) /
6:9 Noah was a j' man and perfect /
keep, keeper (shamar; to hedge about, to guard, protect, attend, keep) /
2:15 Eden to dress it and to k' it 18:19 shall k' the way of the Lord /
3:24 k' the way of the tree of life 28:15 will k' thee in all places /
4:2 Abel was a k' of the sheep 28:20 will k' me in this way that /
4:9 know not: Am I my brother's k' 30:31 I will again feed and k' thy /
6:19 the ark, to k' them alive with 33:9 k' that thou hast unto thyself /
6:20 unto thee, to k' them alive 39:21 sight of the k' of the prison /
7:3 to k' seed alive upon the face 39:22 the k' of the prison committed /
17:9 shalt k' my covenant therefore 39:23 The k' of the prison looked /
17:10 my covenant, which ye shall k' 41:35 let them k' food in the cities /
kill (nakah; to strike, slaughter, murder, smitr, kill) /
4:15 any finding him should k' him /
kind, kinds (miyn; to portion out, to sort, species, kind) /
18 times after his kind or after their kind, chapters 1, 6 & 7. /
kingdom (mamlakah; dominion, reign, kingdom) /
10:10 the beginning of his k' was 20:9 on me and on my k' a great sin /
Kittim (kittiyiy; an islander, Cyprus) /
10:4 and Tarshish, K', and Dodanim /
knew, know, knowing (yada; to know, acknowledge, be aware of) /
3:5 God doth k' that in the day ye 4:9 I k' not: Am I my brother's /
3:5 kshall be as gods, k' good and 4:17 Cain k' his wife; and she /
3:7 they k' that they were naked 4:25 Adam k' his wife again; and /
3:22 as one of us, to k' good and 8:11 Noah k' that the waters were /
4:1 Adam k' Eve his wife, and she 9:24 k' what his younger son had /
knowledge (daath; aware, cunning, knowledge) /
2:9 the tree of k' of good and evil 2:17 tree of the k' of good and evil /
Lamech (lemek; ????) /
4:18 and Methusael begat L' 5:25 and seven years, and begat L' /
4:19 And L' took unto him two wives 5:26 lived after he begat L' seven /
4:23 And L' said unto his two wives 5:28 L' lived an hundred eighty and /
4:23 ye wives of L', harken unto 5:30 L' lived after he begat Noah /
4:24 truly L' seventy and sevenfold 5:31 the days of L' were seven /
land, lands (erets; to be firm, earth, field, land) 190 times in Genesis /
1:9 and let the dry l' appear 10:5 Gentiles divided in their l' /
1:10 God called the dry l' earth 10:10 Calneh, in the l' of Shinar /
2:11 the whole l' of Havilah 10:11 of that l' went forth Asshur /
2:12 the gold of that l' is good 10:31 their tongues, in their l' /
2:13 the whole l' of Ethiopia 11:2 a plain in the l' of Shinar /
4:16 dwelt in the l' of Nod 11:28 Terah in the l' of his nativity /
7:22 all that was in the dry l' 11:31 to go into the l' of Canaan /
language (sepheth; the lip, speech, language) /
11:1 the whole earth was of one l' 11:7 and there confound their l' /
11:6 one, and they all have one l' 11:9 confound the l' of the earth /
leaf, leaves (aleh; branch, foliage, leaf) /
3:7 they sewed fig l' together 8:11 in her mouth was an olive l' /
leave (azab; to loosen, relinquish, forsake, leave) /
2:24 man l' his father and his mother /
left (chadai; to be flabby, desist, be lacking, to leave off, stop, left) /
11:8 they l' off to build the city /
length (orek; long, length) /
6:15 l' of the ark shall be three 13:17 through the land in the l' /
lest (pen; peradventure, lest biltiy; without, besides, except, lest) /
3:3 shall ye touch it, l' ye die 4:15 l' any finding him should kill /
3:22 l' he put forth his hand and 11:4 l' we be scattered abroad upon /
let /
1:3 God said, L' there be light 1:22 and l' fowl multiply in the /
1:6 L' there be a firmament in the 1:24 L' the earth bring forth the /
1:9 L' the waters under the heaven 1:26 L' us make man in our image /
1:11 L' the earth bring forth grass 1:26 l' them have dominion over /
1:14 L' there be lights in the 11:3 l' us make brick, and burn /
1:14 l' them be for signs, and for 11:4 Go to, l' us build us a city /
1:15 l' them be for lights in the 11:4 and l' us make us a name, lest /
1:20 L' the waters bring forth 11:7 Go to, l' us go down, and /
lieth (rabats; to crouch, rest, sit, lie down) /
4:7 not well, sin l' at the door 49:25 blessings of the deep that l' /
life, lives, liveth (chay; alive, flesh, living) /
1:20 moving creatures that have l' 19:17 Escape for thy l'; look not /
1:30 the earth, wherein there is l' 19:19 unto me in saving my l' /
2:7 his nostrils the breath of l' 23:1 the years of the l' of Sarah /
2:9 tree of l' also in the midst 25:7 the years of Abraham's l' which /
3:14 thou eat all the days of thy l' 25:17 the years of the l' of Ishmael /
3:17 of it all the days of thy l' 27:46 I am weary of my l' because /
3:22 take also of the tree of l' 27:46 what good shall my l' do me /
3:24 keep the way of the tree of l' 32:30 face, and my l' is preserved /
6:17 wherein is the breath of l' 42:15 By the l' of Pharaoh ye shall /
7:11 six hundredth year of Noah's l' 42:16 by the l' of Pharaoh surely /
7:15 wherein is the breath of l' 44:30 l' is bound up in the lad's l' /
7:22 nostrils was the breath of l' 45:5 me before you to preserve l' /
9:3 Every moving thing that l' 45:7 your l' by a great deliverance /
9:4 But flesh with the l' thereof 47:9 days of the years of my l' been /
9:5 I require the l' of the man 47:9 years of the l' of my fathers /
9:5 blood of your l' will i require 47:25 Thou hast saved our l' /
18:10 according to the time of l' 48:15 God which fed me all my l' long /
18:14 according to the time of l' /
lift (ruwm; to be high, to raise, to lift) /
7:17 and it was l' up above the earth /
light, lights (owr; illumination, light morah; a luminous body, light) /
1:3 there be l': and there was l' 1:16 God made two great l'; /
1:4 God saw the l', that it was 1:16 the greater l' to rule the day /
1:4 the l' from the darkness 1:16 lesser l' to rule the night /
1:5 And God called the l' day 1:17 heaven to give l' upon the /
1:14 Let there be l' in the firma- 1:18 the l' from the darkness /
1:15 be for l' in the firmament 44:3 As soon as the morning was l' /
1:15 to give light upon the earth /
likeness (dmuwth; resemblence, shape, fashion, likeness) /
1:26 in our image, after our l' 5:3 and begat a son in his own l' /
5:1 in the l' of God made he him /
live (chayah, chayay; to live, life, lived) /
3:22 and eat, and l' for ever 25:6 Isaac his son, while he yet l' /
ch 5-17 times ---- lived 25:7 of Abraham's life which he l' /
9:28 And Noah l' after the flood 47:28 And jacob l' in the land of /
ch 11- 16 times ---- lived 50:22 Joseph l' an hundred and ten /
Lord (yhovah; Self Existant, Eternal, Jehovah, Lord) /
191 times in Genesis /
11 times in chapter 2 /
9 times in chapter 3 /
10 times in chapter 4 /
1 time in chapter 5 /
4 times in chapter 6 /
3 times in chapter 7 /
3 times in chapter 8 /
1 time in chapter 9 /
2 times in chapter 10 /
5 times in chapter 11 /
Lot (lowt; a veil, covering) /
11:27 and Haran; and Haran begat Lot 11:31 L' the son of Haran his son's /
lower (tachtiy; lower most, lower parts, lower /
6:16 with l', second and third stories /